Sing the chorales from St. Matthew Passion

Sunday, March 16  |  1:30 - 4pm 

St. Mary Magdalen Church, 2005 Berryman Street, Berkeley

FREE! All experience levels welcome. No note-reading required.

Email bachrsvp@gmail.com to reserve your spot(s).

Cantata Collective Presents its 8th Season, 2024-25

Cantata Collective, San Francisco's only professional Ensemble dedicated solely to the performance of the Cantatas of J.S. Bach, is pleased to announce its Eighth Season of FREE Bach concerts—events that have become a mainstay of the Bay Area's musical landscape.

"A group of local early-music luminaries devoted to the composer's 200-plus compositions in the genre" (San Francisco Chronicle), Cantata Collective is supported by an enthusiastic Board of Directors, and endorsed by an illustrious Advisory Board. Together with its "congregation" it has created a magical community of listeners who share in this traversal of musical treasures. Cantata Collective presents these iconic works as the equivalent of a World Heritage Site, a collection of masterworks belonging to all people.

Cantata Collective’s performances in its acoustically perfect home, St. Mary Magdalen Church, in Berkeley, California are FREE to the public. The Eighth Season is made possible thanks to grants from Benevity, The Chicago Community Trust, the Richard and Mary L. Gray Foundation, the Jewish Community Endowment Fund, the Richard M. and Susan L. Kaplan Philanthropic Fund, the KAVAH Fund, the Waverley Fund and generous individual support.

The highlight of the 2023-24 season was the sold out performance of the Easter Oratorio and Magnificat, conducted by Nicholas McGegan, at Berkeley’s temple for Early Music, First Congregational Church. Coinciding with that performance AVIE released the group’s recording of the B Minor Mass which has already received international critical acclaim. The tradition of celebrating Bach’s birthday with performances of his major choral masterpieces continues on March 21, 2025 with the St. Matthew Passion.

The group continued its series of cantata recordings for Centaur Records with Volume Two featuring the brilliant countertenor, Reginald Mobley.

Early Music America wrote following the release: “To the excellent musicians of the Cantata Collective, MORE BACH, PLEASE!” The ensemble will oblige and details of these recordings and future projects can be found under Recording Initiative on this website.

Frank Wing Photography


2024-25 Season of FREE Bach Concerts

All FREE Cantata concerts are presented on Sundays at 5PM at St. Mary Magdalen Church, 2005 Berryman Street in Berkeley

September 1, 2024

Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12
Wachet! betet! betet! wachet!
BWV 70

Tonia D’Amelio, soprano
Christine Brandes, alto
Derek Chester, tenor
Ben Kazez, bass


December 15, 2024

Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, BWV 68
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott,
BWV 80

Jennifer Paulino, soprano
Heidi Waterman, alto
Brian Giebler, tenor
Harrison Hintzsche, bass


January 19, 2025

Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 9
Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit,
BWV 115

Nola Richardson, soprano
Sylvia Leith, alto
Kyle Stegall, tenor
Edmund Milly, bass


February 23, 2025

Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn, BWV 132
Nimm, was dein ist, und gehe hin,
BWV 144
Der Herr denket an uns,
BWV 196

Sherezade Panthaki, soprano
Sara Couden, alto
Matthew Tresler, tenor
Paul Max Tipton, bass


April 27, 2025

Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich, BWV 17
Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott, BWV 139

Michele Kennedy, soprano
Clifton Massey, alto
Brian Thorsett, tenor
Sumner Thompson, bass


May 25, 2025

Ich glaube, lieber Herr, hilf meinem Unglauben, BWV 109
Ich habe meine Zuversicht,
BWV 188

Tonia D’Amelio, soprano
Jay Carter, alto
Nicholas Phan, tenor
Edward Vogel, bass

Two Special Programs for the 2024-25 Season

November 17, 2024 ‘An Evening with Haydn and Mozart’
The Orchestra of Cantata Collective, Nicholas McGegan, conductor, Dominique Labelle, soprano 
First Church of Berkeley. Tickets available through CityBoxOffice in September


March 21, 2025 First Church of Berkeley
The St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
Celebrate Bach’s Birthday with Cantata Collective, Nicholas McGegan, and a roster of Early Music superstars as soloists.